How to Help Growing Teenagers Struggling With Rational Thought

Raising an adolescent comes with its fair share of challenges,…
May 3, 2022/by youshar

How to Help Growing Teenagers Struggling With Rational Thought

Raising an adolescent comes with its fair share of challenges,…
April 6, 2022/by youshar

How Much Drinking is Too Much Drinking?

Consuming alcohol is one of the social standards of adult…
March 24, 2022/by youshar

Emotional Abuse In Relationships Is Real. Here is How To Determine If You Are In One.

Emotional abuse is a type of intimate partner violence…
February 8, 2022/by youshar

How to Navigate Divorce

Divorce is a word that many couples avoid as long as possible.…
January 5, 2022/by youshar

How to make sure your kids are resilient during a pandemic

Parenting can be difficult enough as it is, but add a global…
December 15, 2021/by youshar

How to cope with depression during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world. Even as restrictions…
November 5, 2021/by youshar

D is for Depth of Processing

Depth of processing is a valuable characteristic for a sensitive…
October 27, 2020/by youshar

O is for Overstimulation

Highly sensitive people are quickly overwhelmed by over-stimulation…
October 20, 2020/by youshar

E is for Emotional Reactivity

HSPs have more active mirror neurons responsible for other empathy…
October 13, 2020/by youshar

S is for Sensing the Subtle

An HSP goes to a party. They notice that recently something…
October 6, 2020/by youshar

4 Ways to Establish Healthy Boundaries In Your Relationships

Setting boundaries sounds easy but it is not. You need to be…
September 29, 2020/by youshar

The Importance of Boundaries for Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people are intelligent, receptive and can quickly…
September 22, 2020/by youshar

How Gratitude Journaling Can Change the Way You Look at the World

One of the easiest ways of expressing gratitude is to create…
September 15, 2020/by youshar

6 Types of Meditation: Which One is Right for You?

Meditation provides opportunities for tranquility and increased…
September 8, 2020/by youshar

Art as Meditation: How Creating Art Can Free Your Mind

Most have read about the benefits of meditation. Fewer of us…
September 1, 2020/by youshar