Do you experience excessive worry?
Is your worry excessive in intensity, frequency, or amount of distress it causes?
Do you find it difficult to control the worry (or stop worrying) once it starts?
Do you worry excessively or uncontrollably about minor things such as being late for an appointment, minor repairs, homework, etc.?
If you answered yes to more than one of these, I can help you learn how to challenge these types of thoughts and move through them.
Along with excessive worry, anxiety can also produce other symptoms such as:
- restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
- Irritability
- difficulty falling/staying asleep or restless/unsatisfying sleep
- being easily fatigued
- difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
- muscle tension
If you answered yes to three or more of these, I can help you manage the physical symptoms of anxiety.
I have lived with anxiety from a young age. I know it can feel like no one understands you, you believe you must be “crazy”, or just an overwhelming feeling of fear of the unknown. Anxiety is all about control. Naturally, we want to control our environment to control our anxiety. I will help you find the control from within, which is where we truly have control. If you can control the anxiety you will be able to handle the multiple curve balls being thrown at you.
I understand you may want to get rid of all the anxiety, but a healthy amount of anxiety is normal. The goal is not to eliminate it, but rather to learn how you can manage it.
I will walk beside as we find the root of your anxiety and what works best for you to manage it.
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