Has trust been broken in your relationship?
Are your disagreements becoming more frequent?
Are your disagreements becoming more emotionally intense?
Is there a disconnect in your communication?
Do you feel stuck in old patterns?
Is emotional and/or physical intimacy gone or diminished greatly?
If any of the above questions resonate with you, couples counseling can help you repair trust, diminish the frequency and intensity of disagreements, communicate more effectively and increase your emotional and physical bond.
What is Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT)?
“Emotions are connected to our most essential needs. They rapidly alert us to situations important to our well-being. They also prepare and guide us to take action towards meeting our needs. Individuals and couples benefit from therapy with the help of an empathically attuned relationship with their therapist, who seeks to help them to better identify, experience, explore, make sense of, transform, and more flexibly manage their emotions. As a result, persons receiving EFT treatment become stronger and are more skillful in accessing the important information and meanings about themselves and their world that emotions contain and become more skillful in using that information to live vitally and adaptively.” – The International Society for Emotion-Focused Therapy
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