Everyone has a bad habit or two, but some of these habits may actually indicate that you struggle with anxiety. While most of these habits are not harmful in any way, others can lead to health issues, physical pain, and lowered self esteem. If you are searching for anxiety treatment to help you, it’s time to contact Counseling Services of Parker to learn more and sign up for an appointment.

Top Habits that Indicate Anxiety

See if you find yourself exhibiting any of these habits on a regular basis:

Smoking – While smoking is quite common, it is also common knowledge that it’s bad for your health. However, smoking is often a signature sign of anxiety. The repeated motion can be soothing to anyone struggling with anxious thoughts.

Nail Biting – This common habit does not do much to harm you, but it can lead to an infection around the nail if you are not careful. Many people engage in nail-biting because they feel overwhelmed or stressed. If you bit your nails, pay attention to when the urge strikes you.

Hair Pulling – This is a surprisingly common response to stress and anxiety, and people pull out their hair from all parts of their body. The eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair on the head are all common targets. If this is done regularly or in excess, it can lead to hair loss and might even indicate a case of trichotillomania, which is a close relative of OCD.

Leg Bouncing – If you quickly bounce your leg up and down while seated, it could be your body channeling your anxiety through your legs. While this is a harmless habit, it might indicate some underlying issues.

Foot Tapping – Much like leg bouncing, this harmless habit probably just annoys the people around you. Your feet may get tired, but that isn’t a serious issue. Keep in mind that this tapping might be more than just a habit. Contact a therapist to know for sure, however.

Overeating – In order to cope with stressful situations, many people turn to food. Certain foods with high sugar content can cause temporary highs in your brain that make you feel happier, but these foods can lead to issues with obesity. This habit of overeating may be pointing towards anxiety.

Undereating – Those who undereat when they are feeling anxious may lack adequate nutrition and feel the effects all over. They may develop anorexia and see damage in their hair, teeth, and bodies as a whole.

Oversleeping – Hypersomnia will not harm you, but it is a common symptom of depression. Since depression and anxiety are often linked, it is best to talk to a professional to see if you may have either of these conditions or possibly even both.

Undersleeping – Not sleeping enough can affect your cortisol levels and keep you feeling depressed and on edge. If you suffer from insomnia, this is probably an indicator of a deeper issue, such as depression or anxiety.

Skin Picking – This habit can lead to scarring or infection when it happens too frequently. Many people who do pick at their skin are doing it to relieve some of the anxious feelings they may be experiencing.

Contact Us for Anxiety Treatment

If you believe that you may have anxiety due to one or more of the above-mentioned habits, then contact the professionals at Counseling Services of Parker today. Pay attention to what seems to trigger your habits, and write them down in a journal. Together, we can work through your anxious feelings and come up with ways to handle how you are feeling in a healthy way. To learn more, please contact us today and schedule an appointment!

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